Frequently Asked Questions
When and where do you meet?
A: Livingway meets every Sunday at 9AM and 0:30AM at a renovated warehouse in Garland. A ministry we call THE VIVE. It is located at 3046 Lavon Drive #129E, Garland, TX 75040. (look for us in the back.) For directions click here
What does your Sunday Morning look like?
A: Good question. The reality is that each Sunday has it’s own thumbprint. The typical Sunday experience includes high impact worship music, videos and media, an occasional drama, and a 40 minute relevant message. The whole service runs roughly an hour and 15 minutes. We also have an awesome nursery and kids church experience. A full kids’ church is available during the 10:30 AM service.
What do I have to wear to church?
A: We are very casual in our appearance so you make the call. Jeans and a shirt? Cool. Shorts and a shirt? Cool. Slacks and a tie? That’s fine. God only cares about what’s on the inside and so do we!
What is your worship music like?
A: Acoustic driven (even a bit rockin at times) contemporary style. You might even hear a song or two from the radio. Plus, we project the song lyrics on the theater screen so we can all participate.
Do I have to bring my Bible?
A: We encourage you to bring a Bible and pen to dig into the teachings with us. But if you don’t have one, come anyway and we’ll give you one for free. We display the verses of the message on a big screen so you can follow along.
Where do the kids go?
A: At Livingway we value children. We have a kid’s ministry (aka. Kidventure) that includes music, activities, small groups, and an age appropriate lesson from the Bible each week. We use the 252Basics curriculum for our children (ages infant-5th) on Sunday mornings. 9AM – nursery only / 10:30AM full kids church.
Our youth (grades 6-12) meet Wednesday nights. See the Quick Links for more details.
What kind of church are you?
A: We are part of the family of churches known as Missionary Church – . We are Christian denomination committed to planting churches and making disciples. We teach Christianity based solely on the Bible. We believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of God and it is our standard for all we do. For a more complete look at our beliefs, please see our “Beliefs” section.
What do you believe about God?
A: Check out our beliefs page for details concerning our essential beliefs
What do you believe about Baptism?
A: Water baptism is a picture of what Christ has done in your heart. It is a symbolic act that shows in a visible way that Christ has washed away your sins and that you have buried your old sinful life and have been raised from death to a new life in Christ. Water baptism is a public confession that your sins are forgiven and that you have become a true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Do you ever take communion?
A: Yes. We offer communion the almost every Sunday. It is available before and after service, and during worship.
What do you believe about giving?
A: God blesses faithful giving. “But just as you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us – see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” – 2 Cor. 8:7 (NIV). God’s principle of the tithe and offering allow the church to operate and fulfill the work of evangelism. Giving is one of the many ways we partner in the mission.
Will I be asked to give money?
A: As a guest, you will not be expected to participate in the brief giving portion of the service. However, if you call Livingway your home church, then we ask that you be faithful to God in this area as we partner together to accomplish God’s work and will in our community.
Will I be singled out if I am new?
A: No. We will not single you out, point fingers at you, make you stand up, or run around the church. We want you to be at home and comfortable. However, we do want you to be challenged to hear what God might want to say to you. Come, be yourself, and listen to the voice of God.