Women’s Ministry
We want to invite you to come be a part of this incredible women’s group! Each month we host a Bible Study to help you get to know one another outside of Sunday mornings. Our hope is to provide a setting that allows you to connect with the other women here at Livingway and form life-long friendships as well as a support system to help carry you through life’s trials and celebrate with you during it’s joys. So come make yourself at home here with us and know that we are all growing in this journey with Christ together!
Illuminate meets every 3rd Sunday for a Bible study, coffee, and homemade food. Each quarter the women have a GNO (girl’s night out). Sometimes it’s a weekend trip, a dinner out, working on a craft, or just a fun day hanging out and shopping. 
Please email Nikol Blair at nikolsb@msn.com for more details!